You can spend all the money you want on search engine optimization, online marketing, press releases and cool website designs, but if your site has poorly written copy that doesn’t make people want to be your customers, then what’s the point? It’s like fishing without hooks. You want customers, don’t you? You want them to click or to take action …
A Knack for Knowing an Audience
Hello audience! When it comes to making your website successful, knowing your audience is the key to producing compelling copy that gets them to take action. Tough to do, but when you get it, you can get them. I have a knack for this sort of thing which dates back well into my personal history. One example was during my …
SEO the Seeds of Victory
Get it. . . “SEO” instead of “Sow” the seeds of victory. Yeah. I know you got it. Anyway, the “seeds” of search engine optimization (SEO) that we sow today help your site rank better in the search engine results pages (SERPs) tomorrow. The work I typically do includes writing compelling copy which contains highly targeted keywords that match what …
What I do
Johnny Website here. Welcome to the site. People ask me, “Hey, Johnny, what is it you do, exactly?” And I say, “I produce websites.” Now that’s the short and sweet way of saying that I manage all the elements of building a website. Those elements include copywriting, graphic design and layout, coding, optimizing and promoting websites for lots and lots …