Content Marketing Strategy for Your Small Business

What is a content marketing strategy?


Compelling content is important. Quality content is something your business should be producing and marketing consistently. To do that well, you need a focused, manageable plan that brings the pieces together in a way that helps drive business. You need a content marketing strategy.

Good content moves people and calls them to action. And if it’s good, (chances are) they’ll share it with others who’ll also find it valuable. It’s important for building and maintaining your reputation online and for attracting visitors to your website. It’s also essential for converting visitors into paying customers. You do it to build your brand; to attract new business; and to assert authority in your area of expertise.

The details of that plan are set forth by your particular content marketing strategy. It’s tailored to your business and goals, and it covers a lot of bases, including SEO and social media.

Where does all the content come from?
In my experience, most businesses (even the ‘boring’ ones) have a considerable amount of content that could be used to develop more brand awareness and more business for themselves. If you’re the expert, you have the content. You may not be able to write or produce it all yourself, but that’s OK. You don’t need to do all the work yourself. The subject matter and format are completely open.


No matter how boring or bland or B2B you might think your business is, the truth is that someone somewhere needs what you do. If you generate things that your potential customer will find useful, you’re a step closer to making them your customer. You’re giving them a way to find you and to understand what you can do for them. No longer are you two ships passing in the night. Now they know you exist.

It can be a press release, blog post, case study, video, photo or an infographic, to name a few. The challenge is in understanding what you have and how it can be used. Then it’s about forming a plan for the production, execution and means of analysis for your content marketing campaign.

Your strategy outlines the types of people you are trying to reach with your content and the best ways to go about reaching them. Your content marketing strategy could, for example, be targeted directly to your potential customers, but you might also want to target people of influence in your industry–people who might be able to act as an evangelist for your business. It’s also important to find out where your target audiences normally find their content and craft your message in a way they’re likely to consume. The plan will also outline the scheduling, deadlines and resources, plus any budgetary concerns.

And yes, that’s a lot of planning and lot of work, but it’s well worth it. To do nothing is a mistake. To approach such undertakings without a plan is generally a waste of time (and money).

That’s why I recommend you talk to me before you start on a new website or other online marketing campaign. Building or rebuilding a website for your business is an important step, but why take that step if you don’t have a plan for how to market your business online?

It’s the difference between a passive website and an active, business building campaign that gets you more business.

Contact Johnny Website today for your content marketing consultation and together we can drive your online marketing campaign to victory!

Let Johnny Website help you:

  • Content ideas and development
  • Copywriting and content production
  • SEO, PPC and social media in support of your plans
  • Strategy and planning
  • Campaign analysis and performance
  • Consulting you on existing campaigns

Contact me today!

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